Poster Prints

poster prints

Digital Poster Prints

Sometimes size does matter! Direct Decals is able to provide you with the highest quality photo enlargements and poster prints for exhibits, architectural presentations, proposals and more.

Giclee Printing on Artist Canvas, Photo Paper

Turn beautiful art or photographs into museum-quality poster prints. Use our poster prints to accent a room or event with the perfect final touch. Our full color, digital prints are great for bridal poster prints, family portrait poster prints, and anniversary poster prints. Our service produces poster prints for scanned artwork images, giclee photo prints, paintings, and artwork enlargements. We create our poster prints on artist's canvas, banner material, textured fine art paper, glossy photo paper, doubleweight matte paper or smooth fine art paper.

Image Restoration

If the photograph or digital image needs retouching before being made into a poster print, we can do it! We can create photographic effects, remove dust and scratches, create sepia effects and much more. Send us your image and tell us what you want your finished poster print to look like. We will send you a digital proof to make sure that your poster print will be exactly what you want. Let Direct Decals provide you with the highest quality poster prints. Send us your image, and we will turn it into a poster print for you!